Tuesday, September 1, 2009

To paint for a change....

I once said this would be a brush stroke heard around the world. I did not know how true those words would be. Reporters from the BBC, Al Jazeera, Voice of America and German television have been by to report on "73 cents." Newspaper reporters from Germany, Prague and The Netherlands have come for interviews. I have received emails from an international audience asking questions about health reform. This problem resounds around around the globe. I found out that it costs approx. 88 cents to get your medical record in Germany. Lack of access to records appears to be an international problem.

This week many lovely people came by to see the mural. There was a couple from Chicago, a man from Virginia and quite a few locals. They came to see the mural in person after hearing about it on TV. I asked them to spread the word. Please tell everyone you know about the need for health care reform. If we all act as a positive voice supporting reform, our harmony will drown out the discordant sound of the detractors. There are many aspects to health care reform. If we engage in civil dialogue, we will find common ground. The modern medical system has many problems that need to be addressed. There are those who wish to polarize this debate, and so doing would condemn us all. For the end will not elude us, and in the end we are all patients.

These are two new pieces about the Mural:



Thank You and Goodnight,


  1. Very powerful. On Oct 2, I am posting a link to your blog as part of a post about the Mural. Keep up the great work!

  2. dear ms. holliday,
    i am so sorry for you terrible loss.

    i have had my share of severe troubles with the insurance industry over the past 20 years.

    currently, the maryland insurance administration is investigating my account at carefirst. liars, thieves: i can't think of a word horrible enough to describe how much i hate them. they're listed on my speed dial as 'f*ckers.'

    if you need any help fighting these bastards i'll in. i've been doing it alone for years.

    i hate them with all my soul.

    keep fighting and know there are others out there who are now looking up to you; like me!

    insurance companies are the devil. the president can't even get around those extortionist bastards.

    niki lee
