Paint and patients, pills and policy all come together
within The Walking Gallery of Healthcare.
This walking wall of 226 individuals who wear personal patient
narrative paintings on their backs is changing minds and opening hearts. They are attending medical conferences
where often there isn’t a patient speaker on the dais or in the audience. They are providing a patient
voice, and by doing so, are changing the conversation.
While creating national health policy medical professionals
and government officials are often more reliant on aggregate data sets, bar
charts, graphs and statistics, rather than the whole picture of care, the
personal patient narrative and the individual human face.
The Walking Gallery movement hopes to diversify the source
content that is used to create the foundation for patient centered care policy,
by infusing art imagery depicting a unique patient history or personal story.
An artist or artists will interview medical professionals
and lay individuals to form a patient centric narrative. The artist will then
create representational imagery and paint that picture story upon the business
jacket of the provider of the narrative account. The provider of the patient
story aka “Walker” will wear the jacket to medical conferences and events in
order to disseminate the patient story to a large group of policy minded
attendees and to represent the individual patient voice in venues where they
are underrepresented. Further, both artist and Walker will support the spread
of the story and image via social media.
As of June 2013, 226 unique Walkers have joined the Gallery wearing 251 jackets. The Gallery has representatives on five continents, but the majority of Walkers reside in the US. One artist creates the majority of the art, but new artists are joining and currently make up 10% of content creation within of the Walking Gallery. The Gallery is promoted heavily on twitter, facebook and personal blogs. Its widening appeal within the health conference community is creating a new space for patients at such events.
The Artists of The Walking Gallery:
1. Regina Holliday 226 jackets
2. Isaac Holliday 6 yrs, 1 jacket
3. Becca Price, 1 jacket
4. Miriam Cutelis, 1 jacket
5. Ess Lipczenko, 1 jacket
6. Ben Merrion 1 jacket
7. Courtney Mazza 5 jackets
8. Michele Banks 1 jacket
9. Megan Mitchell 15 yrs 1 jacket
10. Robert J. Filley 3 jackets
11. Anita Samarth 1 jacket
12. Mary Welch Higgins 2 jackets
13. Richard Sachs 2 jackets
14. Jonah Daniel 5yrs 1 jacket
15. Fred Trotter 1 jacket
16. Leela 7yrs 1 jacket
17. Gayle Schrier Smith 1 jacket
18. Moira Simms 1 jacket
19. Joan Holliday 1 jacket
17. Gayle Schrier Smith 1 jacket
18. Moira Simms 1 jacket
19. Joan Holliday 1 jacket
If you would like to join the Gallery please find further instructions
below the pictures of jackets of year two.
Year Two
251. "The Golden Egg" a jacket for Pat Salber
250. "The Incredible Fred" a jacket for Fred Trotter
249. "Vets with Pets" Frankie's jacket painted by Courtney Mazza
248. "Trinity" a jacket for Kym Martin
247. "Wellspring" a jacket by Susan Hull
246. "Gleaning" a jacket for Elaine O'Bleness
245. "All My Boys" a jacket for Joan Holliday. Painted by Regina and Joan Holliday.
244. "Hydrate" a jacket for Taylor Martin
243. "Diabetesbusters"a jacket for IsaacHolliday
242. "The Keeper of the Match" a jacket for Jo Hamilton
241. "Eyes on the Prize" a jacket for Dominique Beatty
240. "Walk-Ins Welcome" a jacket painted and worn by Moira Simms
239."May I have this dance." a jacket for Martin J. Hatlie
238. "Enjoying the Ride" a jacket for Lance Manning
237. "Completing the Masterpiece"a jacket for Vera Rulon
236. "Tally Marks" a jacket for Ken Congdon
235. "Lean into the Sorrow" a jacket for Coletta L. Dorado
234. "Stair Steps" a jacket Tom Evans
233. "Under Pressure" a jacket for Gina Neff
232. The Gamification of Healthcare a jacket for Nick Dawson
231. "Caduceus Deconstructed" a jacket for Randi Oster
230. "Hemispheres" a jacket for Gonzalo Bacigalupe
229. "Right Side Up" a jacket for Fred Trotter by artist Richard Sachs
228."You're going to need a bigger binder." a jacket for Jon Francke
227. "Twice Broken Heart" a jacket for Shelley Cohen Konrad
226. "Quantified Smile" a jacket for Katie McCurdy
225."Patchwork Health" a jacket for Mary Griskewicz
224. "What we lose along the way." a jacket for Amy Gleason
223. "Bursting from Within" a jacket for Eric Topol
222. "Hospice Cards" a jacket for Emily Shaw

221. "The Kastner Rose" a jacket for Kathy Kastner
220. "What is a hero?" a jacket for Alice Hughley
219. "The Gravity of the Situation" a jacket for Esther Dyson
218. "Generations" a jacket for Natrice Rese
217. "The Rising Son" a jacket for Amy Birney
216. "Don't tell me to zip it." a jacket for Steven Baker
215. "Hope" a jacket for Jan Oldenburg
214. "The Sleeper" a jacket for Emily Hackel
213. "Embracing Epsilon" a jacket for Karen MacDonald
212. "A New Refrain" a jacket for Andrew Spong
211. "Is she okay?" a jacket for Jess Jacobs
210. "In Search of Balance"a jacket for Deven McGraw
209. "To Ride This Ride" a jacket for Alicia Staley
208. "Aeiou" a jack for Mark Scrimshire
207. "Hospital for my Children" a jacket painted and worm by Gayle Schrier Smith
206. "Little Mirrors" a jacket for Amanda Greene
205. "#Cinderblocks" Regina Holliday
204. "MIB" Regina Holliday
203. "Taken" a jacket for Kath Mazella
202. "A Prescription for Zoe" a jacket for Larry Chu
201. "Monumental Change" a jacket for Michael Seid
200. "Wind of Change" a jacket for Jamie Inman
199. "Metamorphosis" a jacket for Liza Bernstein
198. "Don't Make a Fuss" a jacket for Carolyn Thomas

196. "Balancing Act" a jacket for Brian Carter
195. "Fly" a jacket for Kate Cartwright-Knodel
194. "Partners" a jacket for Teresa Titus-Howard
250. "The Incredible Fred" a jacket for Fred Trotter
249. "Vets with Pets" Frankie's jacket painted by Courtney Mazza
248. "Trinity" a jacket for Kym Martin
247. "Wellspring" a jacket by Susan Hull
246. "Gleaning" a jacket for Elaine O'Bleness
245. "All My Boys" a jacket for Joan Holliday. Painted by Regina and Joan Holliday.
244. "Hydrate" a jacket for Taylor Martin
243. "Diabetesbusters"a jacket for IsaacHolliday
242. "The Keeper of the Match" a jacket for Jo Hamilton
241. "Eyes on the Prize" a jacket for Dominique Beatty
240. "Walk-Ins Welcome" a jacket painted and worn by Moira Simms
239."May I have this dance." a jacket for Martin J. Hatlie
238. "Enjoying the Ride" a jacket for Lance Manning
237. "Completing the Masterpiece"a jacket for Vera Rulon
236. "Tally Marks" a jacket for Ken Congdon
235. "Lean into the Sorrow" a jacket for Coletta L. Dorado
234. "Stair Steps" a jacket Tom Evans
233. "Under Pressure" a jacket for Gina Neff
232. The Gamification of Healthcare a jacket for Nick Dawson
231. "Caduceus Deconstructed" a jacket for Randi Oster
230. "Hemispheres" a jacket for Gonzalo Bacigalupe
229. "Right Side Up" a jacket for Fred Trotter by artist Richard Sachs
228."You're going to need a bigger binder." a jacket for Jon Francke
227. "Twice Broken Heart" a jacket for Shelley Cohen Konrad
226. "Quantified Smile" a jacket for Katie McCurdy
225."Patchwork Health" a jacket for Mary Griskewicz
224. "What we lose along the way." a jacket for Amy Gleason
223. "Bursting from Within" a jacket for Eric Topol
222. "Hospice Cards" a jacket for Emily Shaw
221. "The Kastner Rose" a jacket for Kathy Kastner
220. "What is a hero?" a jacket for Alice Hughley
219. "The Gravity of the Situation" a jacket for Esther Dyson
218. "Generations" a jacket for Natrice Rese
217. "The Rising Son" a jacket for Amy Birney
216. "Don't tell me to zip it." a jacket for Steven Baker
215. "Hope" a jacket for Jan Oldenburg
214. "The Sleeper" a jacket for Emily Hackel
213. "Embracing Epsilon" a jacket for Karen MacDonald
212. "A New Refrain" a jacket for Andrew Spong
211. "Is she okay?" a jacket for Jess Jacobs
210. "In Search of Balance"a jacket for Deven McGraw
209. "To Ride This Ride" a jacket for Alicia Staley
208. "Aeiou" a jack for Mark Scrimshire
207. "Hospital for my Children" a jacket painted and worm by Gayle Schrier Smith
206. "Little Mirrors" a jacket for Amanda Greene
205. "#Cinderblocks" Regina Holliday
204. "MIB" Regina Holliday
203. "Taken" a jacket for Kath Mazella
202. "A Prescription for Zoe" a jacket for Larry Chu
201. "Monumental Change" a jacket for Michael Seid
200. "Wind of Change" a jacket for Jamie Inman
199. "Metamorphosis" a jacket for Liza Bernstein
198. "Don't Make a Fuss" a jacket for Carolyn Thomas
196. "Balancing Act" a jacket for Brian Carter
195. "Fly" a jacket for Kate Cartwright-Knodel
194. "Partners" a jacket for Teresa Titus-Howard
193. Be Ahead of All Parting/The End Ahead a jacket for Bart Windrum
192. "Blood and Tears" a jacket for Martine Ehrenclou
191. "The Three Stages of Meaningful Use" a jacket for Farzad Mostashari
190. "Uniting the Field of Care" a jacket for Kristen Andrews
189. "Finals" a jacket for Peter Levin
188. "The Signs" a jacket for Jari Holland Buck
187. "Grief" a jacket for Ann Becker-Scutte
186."NeuCare" a jacket for Ryan Neuhofel
185. "The Ood Among Us" a jacket for Jake Miles-McLean
184. "After Hours" a jacket for Steven Davidson
192. "Blood and Tears" a jacket for Martine Ehrenclou
191. "The Three Stages of Meaningful Use" a jacket for Farzad Mostashari
190. "Uniting the Field of Care" a jacket for Kristen Andrews
189. "Finals" a jacket for Peter Levin
188. "The Signs" a jacket for Jari Holland Buck
187. "Grief" a jacket for Ann Becker-Scutte
186."NeuCare" a jacket for Ryan Neuhofel
185. "The Ood Among Us" a jacket for Jake Miles-McLean
184. "After Hours" a jacket for Steven Davidson
183. "On Special Days" a jacket for Josh Rubin
182. "Bone Black" a jacket for Catherine Fairchild
181. "Reaching Out" a jacket for Erica Hanson Brown
180. "The Heart of the Matter" a jacket for Carolyn Der Vartanian
179. "Invasion of the C.Diff." a jacket for Pat Mastors
178. "Paper Chaos" a jacket for Michelle F. Davis
177. "All of My Children." a jacket for Mindy Schwartz-Brown
176. "The White Wizard" a jacket for Heather Leslie
175. "Diabetes Mine" a jacket for Amy Tenderich
174. "The Right Thing" a jacket for Lissa
173. "Access" a jacket for Sanya
172. "Becoming" a jacket for Sam Bruinewoud
171. "Inked" a jacket for Louise Schaper
170. "Independence Day" a jacket for Julia Hallisy
169. "Folding" jacket for Fluckinger
168. "Virtual Hospice" a jacket for Colleen Young
167. "I am e." a jacket for Gangadhar Sulkunte
166. "Breathe" a jacket for Karen E. Blair
165. "If I only had a heart." a jacket for Dennis Wagner
164. "Upside Down and Backwards" a jacket for Michelle Litchman
163. "The Expert Patient" a jacket for Roni Zeiger
If you are interested in joining the Walking Gallery here is the info:
Here is wonderful short film by Eidolan Films on the DC Inaugural Walking Gallery event June 7, 2011
To understand the origin of the idea.
To understand the sacred nature of this path
To view all of the jackets 1-162 painted in the first year.
Logistics of the Walking Gallery: What you need to do to be a
1. Promise that you will wear this jacket to other conferences
and events in order to spread awareness of the power of the Patient Voice.
2. Send a business jacket so I can paint
your image. Please do not send jackets made of seersucker, corduroy, knit, denim,
leather or stretch fabric, as they are hard to paint on. Also this is a business jacket on
purpose, we are painting on the “uniform” of the conference attendee. Fabrics that work well are poly-blends,
linen, cotton and wool. Also you might want to by a jacket a size larger than
you usually do as the painting will stiffen the back and make it harder to
close the buttons.
3. Tell me your patient story or another's you wish to depict please send via email with some pictures if possible of yourself or the people in your story. If you don't want to provide a picture, that’s okay, I have a vivid imagination.
3. Tell me your patient story or another's you wish to depict please send via email with some pictures if possible of yourself or the people in your story. If you don't want to provide a picture, that’s okay, I have a vivid imagination.
4. Artists can participate by painting their own jacket or another's
or both.
5. I am using Twitter hash tag to link us all together so
please tweet about your jacket appearances under #TheWalkingGallery we also have a page on Facebook:
6. You are free to use the image in your own advocacy mission;
I also retain the right to reproduce the image for advocacy purposes.
7. Donations are
welcome to offset the cost of paint and shipping, but are not required and you
cannot buy a jacket. You are
joining a movement, and this is a sacred oath to walk the walk and spread the
Welcome to the Gallery.
Any questions?
They are providing a patient voice, and by doing so, are changing the conversation.
ReplyDeleteI smile every time I read about the Walking Gallery! What an amazing way to give voices to those who are all too often not heard. Thank you to all the artists and Walkers! And a special thank you to you for starting this!
ReplyDeleteThank you for spreading the word!
DeleteSo happy to be one of the 212 (#198 - delivered at Stanford Medicine X in September!) Thanks so much for all you do, Regina!
ReplyDeleteThis is totally amazing.
ReplyDeleteReally cool. Just tweeted it here in the UK. Thanks. Simon